Mankind initially left the nearby planetary group in 2012 when the Voyager 1 test went into interstellar space a very long time subsequent to abandoning the planets. Presently, there’s a second rocket past the points of confinement of our close planetary system: Voyager 2. Fortunately, Voyager 2’s instruments are fit as a fiddle than Voyager 1’s, so researchers had the option to watch the progress from the heliosphere, which is commanded by the sun, to the interstellar medium (ISM).
Both Voyager tests launched in 1977, with Voyager 2 heading into space half a month prior to Voyager 1. The two tests are physically indistinguishable, yet they took various ways through the close planetary system. They exploited the “Grand Tour,” an arrangement of the planets that happens just once at regular intervals. Voyager 1 visited and got gravity helps from Jupiter and Saturn before taking off toward the edge of the solar system. Voyager 2 swung past Jupter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus. It mentioned its last planetary objective fact of Uranus in 1989, right around 10 years after Voyager 1 had begun its long walk toward the edge of the close solar system.
At the point when Voyager 1 arrived at the edge of our nearby planetary group, known as the heliopause, it never again had a useful plasma spectrometer. Accordingly, there was some discussion about when, precisely, the test left our close solar system. In this way, we missed the normal change from warm sun oriented plasma to the denser cold plasma of the ISM. In the end, estimations of neighborhood electrons and attractive field movements affirmed it was in interstellar space.
Voyager 2 has recently sent back information demonstrating that it has additionally crossed the heliopause, and it had a completely practical plasma spectrometer. The progress occurred about a year back in November 2018, and the changeover was generally in-accordance with what researchers anticipated dependent on Voyager 1’s circuitous readings. As Voyager 2 crossed from the heliosphere to the ISM, it identified a 20-overlay increment in plasma density.
Voyager 1 and 2 crossed the heliopause at generally a similar good ways from the sun, 121.6 AU and 119 AU, individually. Be that as it may, their leave focuses were around 150 AU separated. Researchers are concentrating the disparities in the information in order to gain a superior comprehension of the limit between our close planetary system and the more extensive cosmic system. For instance, Voyager 2 distinguished a ceaseless change in attractive field bearings as it crossed into the ISM, though Voyager 1 didn’t. Explorer 2 has likewise kept on observing low-vitality particles from the sun in the ISM, yet Voyager 1 didn’t.
It will be some time before we have more information to think about. The main practical test that has any expectation of arriving at the heliopause is New Horizons, which is at present flying through the Kuiper Belt. It could leave the nearby planetary group around 2040, yet we don’t have the foggiest idea whether it will keep up correspondence with Earth that long.