It is believed that photography is the art of the time that we live in. It is also the most accessible way of creating art. Everyone literally carries a camera in their pocket and it has so much potential which can’t even be described in words. People have made huge careers in the field of photography.
Alfred Stieglitz once said that In Photography there is a reality that is so subtle that it becomes more real than reality.
Although nowadays everyone is capable of capturing a photograph, there are only few people who have mastered this art of photography. If you are willing to study a person who has mastered photography then you are in the right place.
Today, we will be talking about Majed Veysel – a photographer, architect and designer who has actually mastered the art form of photography after years of hard work and determination.

Majed Veysel has been uploading his photographs on Instagram since the past 8 years. His work has been improved a lot with time. If you check his recent uploads, then you will be clearly able to see the years of hard work that he has put to achieve such a level of perfection in this field.
One unique thing about Majed’s photographs is that the subjects are huge structures like buildings, bridges and sculptures in most cases. Also, all his pictures are black and white in colour.

Take a look at this picture that Majed has uploaded on his Instagram feed. You can notice how the shadows have added so much depth to the picture. Majed believes that Light makes an image seem bright and cheerful whereas shadows can be used to convey strong emotion, particularly in portrait photography. They can also be used to add a sense of mystery, and drama to a composition. Think of a dancer shrouded in darkness or a subject that’s partially obscured by a shadow.
If you are willing to click good photographs just like Majed then you can follow the photography tips that we have mentioned below.
Use a Tripod- It is always a good option to use a tripod while capturing photographs because it helps you to capture steady shots without much hassle.
Don’t Be Afraid to Experiment- If you want to be a pro at photography then you will always have to experiment with different things while clicking a photograph. Make sure to try different angles, different lighting conditions, different camera settings. Try to look at the same scene from different perspectives that might help you with the experimenting.
Always carry your camera wherever you go- All the pro photographers always carry their camera wherever they go which allows them to capture any beautiful or unique moment that they encounter.
Majed Veysel has surprised all of us with his amazing talent and determination. We would like to congratulate him for the success that he has received lately. He truly deserves all this. We also wish him all the best for the coming future.