Well-known model and influencer Martina Vismara says She has a soft spot for Izi and Achille Lauro

We interviewed the influencer and model Martina Vismara

She is beautiful, very famous on social media (especially Instagram) and she is also a model: we refer to the young Martina Vismara, whom we had the opportunity to interview EXCLUSIVELY.

Hi Martina, tell us how you are in everyday life?

I am a girl who leads a normal life, I go to school, to the gym and I like to have fun with friends, only that often the free time I once had now with the fact of social media I use it to bring content.

How do you explain your great success on social networks and how do you try to win more followers?

I am really happy but above all satisfied with this great result, I love interacting with the people who follow me and cheering up those who may have had a bad day, giving advice, and many other things. There is a really beautiful relationship and that’s why many continue to follow me, also I collaborate with other guys to bring entertaining content.

In a world where the image on the net is increasingly important, how do you behave with the haters and have you had particular bad experiences to tell?

Fortunately, I never found a hater on the street, also because many people know how to bring out all that badness only by phone and maybe even make you a good face live! Instead when it comes to the classics that insult under photos and posts I often try to ignore them even if I am sincere in saying that some do not stand them right and I tend to block them or respond directly! I accept all constructive criticisms that can help me, but not the free insults.

What does Martina Vismara want to do when she grows up?

Many people always ask me this question! But I never answer because I don’t even know what I would like exactly. I certainly hope for something that will give me satisfaction and make me happy.


Martina Vismara tells her story 360 degrees

Would you consider taking part in a reality show like ‘Big Brother’ or the Island of the Famous? Do you follow this latest edition of the Gf and is there a guy you like among the competitors?

To be honest, I watch very little TV and I hardly ever watch these reality shows, but who knows maybe one day I might even think about it. For the moment, however, I have other plans.

Is there a famous person or a footballer you particularly appreciate and would you like to invite to dinner? Are you single or engaged?

No, I’m not engaged, but I’m very well like that! As for the characters I admire, I confess that I have always had a soft spot for the singer Izi, although now I particularly like Achille Lauro. It all depends on the moment!